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量程:1220g/0.01g6200g/0.1g 内置RS232和USB,校准方式:内部校准。

  • 品  牌:梅特勒
  • 商品编号:FCC0F938
  • 市场价 ¥0 (全国免运费)价格仅供参考,请电话或在线咨询优惠价!
咨询热线:010-88546128 82595673 工作时间:周一至周五 8:30-18:00
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16年批发销售实验室仪器设备,信誉保证! 欢迎选购!
0.01g 1.2kg 货号 价格
0.01g 1.2kg 内校 FCC0F938-1 ¥0



梅特勒-托利多电子天平MS6002SDR 精密天平

无论您进行简单的日常工作,还是复杂的称量过程,NewClassic MS精密天平梅特勒-托利多电子天平MS6002SDR凭借其卓越的称量性能,快速准确的结果,帮助您提高生产力。具有单模块传感器(MonoBloc)和温度漂移和时间触发的全自动校准技术(FACT)的新一代NewClassic系列梅特勒-托利多电子天平MS6002SDR,为您的日常称量工作提供全面的支持。

梅特勒-托利多电子天平MS6002SDRFeatures and Benefits
Robust aluminum housing
The robust housing made of high-quality aluminum protects the sensitive sensor from environmental influences and impacts. It is also resistant to chemicals. For guaranteed consistency and precision year after year – even with intensive use.

MonoBloc inside
MonoBloc, the proven high-performance weighing cell developed by world leader in weighing technologies, METTLER TOLEDO, guarantees a long service life and extreme ruggedness.

User-friendly operation
The HCD (High Contrast Display) with big numbers, clear symbols and an intuitive menu enables users to operate the balance quickly and easily. And with three freely programmable SmartKeys, routine tasks can be started at the touch of a button.

Once level, always level
In addition to the adjustable feet at the front, the balance is equipped with LevelLock feet at the back, providing increased safety and anti-tilt capabilities.


Standard Features                                   
All models offer
HCD (High Contrast Display)
Metal High-grade chemical resistant die-cast housing
FACT fully automatic time and  temperature-controlled internal adjustment
Protective cover
Below weighing hook for weighing below the balance
MonoBloc weighing technology
Overload protection
Built in Date and Time function
SmartTrac shows the entire weighing range
Programmable 3 SmartKeys for shortcut access to applications
Protection of main balance configuration
Weighing in 16 different units
Taring over the entire weighing range
Be adapted to the environment
Applications like Piece counting, % weighing, Dynamic weighing, Check weighing, Free factor, Statistics, Formulation, Totaling
Working in different languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech

梅特勒-托利多电子天平MS6002SDR规格 - MS6002SDR 精密天平

最大称量范围1220 / 6200 g
可读性0.01 / 0.1 g



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